College of Staten Island

New York

Best Engineering college in New York

New York, US

  • 2800 Victory Blvd Staten Island, NY 10314
  • (718) 982-2000

Fast Facts

Zip Code


School Size




Type of School


Student Body Gender


Religious Affiliation

Scholarships For International Student

Conditional Admission

Top Programs



Accreditation and Certification


Type of Housing

Acceptance Rate


NCLEX Pass Rate


We Are the College of Staten Island

The College of Staten Island is a four-year, senior college of The City University of New York providing exceptional opportunities to all of its students and offering undergraduate and graduate degrees as well as certificate and continuing education programs. CSI is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

CSI’s academic year follows a two-semester pattern, with a separate summer and winter session. Classes are scheduled days, evenings, and weekends. The College has an extensive Continuing Education program and offers off-campus courses with and without credit.

About the Campus

Completed in 1994, the 204-acre campus of CSI/CUNY is set on the largest physical New York City college site. Surrounded by a park-like landscape, the campus is centrally located on Staten Island. A rural oasis in an urban setting, the campus includes 300 classrooms, laboratories and instructional spaces, study lounges, department and program offices, and faculty offices, along with extensive athletic facilities and an acclaimed Center for the Arts.

CSI is one of seven campuses to participate in the Macaulay Honors College of CUNY. Students accepted into this highly competitive program complete degree requirements at the College, including honors in their chosen major. The program is enriched by challenging special seminars, research opportunities, and co-curricular activities. Only a limited number of students who have demonstrated a well-developed commitment to learning and who intend to continue their undergraduate education in graduate and/or professional schools are admitted to this exclusive program.


In 2015, we embarked on a vital and relevant Campus Climate Survey to help create a more inclusive campus. Rankin & Associates, a leader in campus assessments, directed this effort. More than 3,600 campus community members participated in the survey


Multiple Convenient Locations
In addition to our main Willowbrook Campus, CSI has a brand new St. George location. This extension of the CSI campus will be home to a dynamic 16,000-square-foot facility that is centrally located at the Island’s transportation hub, with convenient access Staten Island’s North Shore, as well as individuals commuting from Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx.




2yr/Community College - 2+2 Programs , Masters

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