Elizabethtown College


Best Engineering college in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania, US

  • 1 Alpha Dr, Elizabethtown, PA 17022, United States
  • 717-361-1000

Fast Facts

Zip Code


School Size




Type of School


Student Body Gender


Religious Affiliation

Church of the Brethren

Scholarships For International Student

Conditional Admission

Top Programs



Accreditation and Certification


Type of Housing

Acceptance Rate



Elizabethtown College was chartered in 1899 by members of the Church of the Brethren who were interested in establishing an institution of higher education for their denomination in eastern Pennsylvania. While expressed in different words, the purpose of the College today still embodies the essence of this educational philosophy.

Elizabethtown College unhesitatingly supports the free expression of religion for all individuals and groups. In addition, the College is committed to providing an environment that affirms human differences and similarities by encouraging students to examine, recognize and promote diversity-related to national origin, religion, race/ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age and socioeconomic status.

Elizabethtown College combines the most sought-after professional programs, guaranteed high-impact experiences like research, internships, and cross-cultural study, with a 122+ year tradition of learning to think critically, analyze deeply, and communicate effectively. Etown offers an essential education that makes 98% of our graduates agree they have what it takes to be successful.

Our mission is to Educate for Service and we believe that learning is most noble when used to benefit others, regardless of chosen career path. We prepare our students to lead rich lives of purpose and meaning while advancing independent thought, personal integrity, and social responsibility. These are the foundations for a life of learning. We foster the values of peace, non-violence, human dignity, and social justice.




2yr/Community College - 2+2 Programs , Masters

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