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Founded in 1894, we now have more than 30 undergraduate programs and 22 master’s degree programs, and 7,000 full and part-time students.
What students know, are able to do, and value upon graduation from Fitchburg State University
Through their complete educational experience, Fitchburg State graduates will be creative and critical thinkers who integrate and communicate their learning from a variety of disciplines and experiences in ways that enhance their civic, personal and professional lives.
Fitchburg State University is committed to excellence in teaching and learning and blends liberal arts and sciences and professional programs within a small college environment. Our comprehensive public university prepares students to lead, serve, and succeed by fostering lifelong learning and civic and global responsibility. A Fitchburg State education extends beyond our classrooms to include residential, professional, and co-curricular opportunities. As a community resource, we provide leadership and support for the economic, environmental, social, and cultural needs of North Central Massachusetts and the Commonwealth.
Fitchburg State University will be nationally recognized for its excellence in teaching and learning in current and emergent fields, for its commitment to transforming lives through education, and for its dedication to public service.
In order to achieve this, we will:
Offering equitable access to high-quality programs and services to people of varying cultural backgrounds living within and beyond our diverse community of North Central Massachusetts
Providing opportunities for students of varying socioeconomic backgrounds to pursue an affordable, quality education
Forging partnerships with businesses and community organizations within the region to enhance quality of life
Sustaining a supportive campus environment for students, faculty, staff, and alumni in which all members can grow and excel in their personal and professional lives
Striving for excellence in academic programs and services through innovative teaching and professional practices
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