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In 1924 Northpoint Bible College (Formerly Zion Bible College) was founded by Rev. Christine Gibson for the purpose of preparing men and women for Pentecostal ministry. The school started in East Providence, Rhode Island, and 1985 relocated to Barrington, Rhode Island. In 2008, the college was miraculously blessed with its current beautiful and historic 18 acre residential campus, located in Haverhill, Massachusetts. There are now thousands of Northpoint alumni serving all over the world in various fields of ministry, and for over 90 years Northpoint Bible College has continued to stand by this vision: to teach and train students for excellent Pentecostal ministry.
Northpoint Bible College is a unique, committed, called out community of Spirit empowered witnesses, endeavoring to develop our core values in fulfilling our mission.
The Bible is the absolute standard for which we live, study, serve, instruct, and minister. As our students immerse themselves in the Bible, the promises of God become real, faith arises and the birthing of ministry transpires.
NPBC places a high priority on the Spirit’s calling and equipping leaders for ministry. From Christine Gibson’s initial call to sacrificially start a faith-based Bible College to present, NPBC recognizes the supernatural call of God for students, faculty, staff, and administration.
NPBC embraces character formation as a submissive life to Christ Jesus. Integrity, honesty, self-control, courage, dependability, forgiveness, respect, responsibility, trustworthiness and other scriptural character traits and virtues flow from being in Christ. Character development based on being in Christ produces influential people filled with the Holy Spirit.
Northpoint Bible College appreciates the ministry of: reconciliation, the priesthood of all believers, spiritually gifted Christians, and the specific ministry of the Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher and Evangelist to fulfill the Great Commission.
As a college that prepares men and women for ministry and service we value the rigors of the academic setting where the skills of writing, thinking, reasoning, rhetoric, and artistic creativity are taught, developed and used for the glory of God to further the kingdom of God.
We are a Pentecostal community that values encounters with the Holy Spirit in chapel, in the classroom, and throughout our campus, which infuses our community with faith, hope, and love to be empowered witnesses.
We honor our rich heritage of affirming relationship and diversity as foundations for our community. Our daily life transforms routine functions to foster an environment of growth, care, support, and encouragement for one another.
We model servant leadership in all aspects of our communal life and ministry: faculty/staff/administration/student to prospective student, faculty/staff/administration to student, administration/staff to faculty, faculty to administration/staff, and student to administration/faculty/staff.
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