Cutting Edge Methods

TA provides a seamless integration of contemporary educational research with Torah values. State of the art equipment and technologies are used both in the mainstream classroom and in learning labs catered to students with learning differences.

Smartboards, projectors, and specialized audio-visual equipment integrate with traditional charts and methods, bringing lessons to life. This inclusion of technology ultimately allows TA’s mechanchim to engage in the latest teaching methods.

Most of TA’s classrooms are equipped with state of the art computers and projectors to enhance the learning experience. These tools allow rebbeim and teachers to produce dynamic and interactive lessons with the use of PowerPoint presentations, multimedia, and Mimeo technology.

In many classrooms, technology is used to provide students with the means to work at their own pace and integrate the lessons through center-based learning. Differentiated instruction is enhanced through specialized computer programs, giving TA’s teachers a highly efficient manner of assessing student progress and understanding.