Trinity College


Best Engineering college in Connecticut

Connecticut, US

  • 300 Summit St, Hartford, CT 06106
  • (860) 297-2000

Fast Facts

Zip Code


School Size




Type of School


Student Body Gender


Religious Affiliation

Scholarships For International Student

Conditional Admission

Top Programs



Accreditation and Certification


Type of Housing

Acceptance Rate


NCLEX Pass Rate


We’re a preeminent New England liberal arts college, but you’ll find us in an urban setting. We’re nearly 200 years old, but we provide an education that is both relevant and timeless. We were founded in the Episcopal tradition, but we’re rooted in principles of religious and academic freedom.

At Trinity College, we believe in transcending boundaries. Defying standard definitions. Staying true to ourselves, and going our own way. We want you to do the same.

This is where liberal arts meets the real world.

If you want to become an engineer and minor in art, you can do that here. You can chase a career in politics and also cultivate a love of biology. It’s our mission to help you pursue whatever path you choose, and ensure that you gain real-world experience along the way.

Through internships, research opportunities, community-based learning, study-away opportunities, and groundbreaking centers and programs, your academic pursuits will have a lasting impact—on you, and on the world.

Trinity College prepares you to be a bold, independent thinker who leads a transformative life.

Trinity at a Glance:

  • 2,167 full-time undergraduates
  • 3 Master’s degree programs, 3 accelerated B.S./M.A. and B.A./M.A. programs, and 2 graduate certificates
  • 60% of students receive financial aid
  • 23% domestic students of color
  • From 48 states and 71 countries
  • Located on 100 acres in Hartford, Connecticut
  • Student/faculty ratio of 9:1
  • More than 900 courses in 41 majors
  • 52% of students take part in study away programs
  • 200 academic internship possibilities
  • 40% of undergraduates compete as intercollegiate athletes (varsity or club sports)
  • 30 men’s and women’s NCAA Division III varsity teams
  • 155 student clubs and organizations
  • Founded in 1823
  • Our alumni include Fulbright and Watson scholars, MacArthur Fellows, and five Pulitzer Prize winners


2yr/Community College - 2+2 Programs , Masters

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