Trinity School for Ministry


Best Engineering college in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania, US

  • 311 11th St, Ambridge, PA 15003, United States
  • 724-266-3838

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Episcopal Church of the United States of America



Accreditation and Certification


Type of Housing

Trinity School for Ministry is an evangelical seminary in the Anglican tradition. In this fractured world, we desire to be a global center for Christian formation, producing outstanding leaders who can plant, renew, and grow churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ.

To this end we are forming Christian leaders for mission.

The values that undergird this vision are:

Welcoming evangelical, charismatic and catholic streams: We welcome students and faculty who long for a Church that is evangelical in faith, catholic in order, and Spirit-driven in mission. We have a vital commitment to students from Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) and also to students from The Episcopal Church (TEC) and from other Anglican jurisdictions both in North America and abroad. We also welcome students from other Christian traditions.
Upholding a strong evangelical and Anglican identity: We stand in the great Anglican Evangelical tradition that is rooted in the primacy of the scriptures and the doctrine of salvation by grace alone through faith alone, and which is foundationally expressed in the classic Book of Common Prayer.
Serving the Church faithfully: We are committed to serving the Church by preparing men and women to be leaders for its mission, its renewal, the planting and growth of congregations, and the proclamation of the never-changing truth in an ever-changing world.
Providing excellent teaching and scholarship: We hold high standards of excellence in teaching and scholarship, believing that these will further both personal maturity and practical effectiveness in mission.
Planting deep formational roots in our community: We value the deep formation in Christian ministry that is possible in the residential degree programs of the school. In addition we believe in being flexible and innovative in providing theological education by extension with a global reach through the internet and off-campus classes and conferences.
Engaging in active discipleship: We believe that the discipleship of the whole person is essential preparation for ministry. We commit to foster in all our seminarians – men, women, single, married, married with children – spiritual and emotional maturity, integrity, grace, and holiness of life.
Creating lifelong learners: We are committed to building a life-long community of learning among our graduates and other Christian leaders aimed at constantly improving their knowledge and ability as servants of Jesus Christ and His Church.
Trusting God’s provision: We believe that “money follows ministry,” and therefore are accountable to our partners in ministry for careful stewardship of God’s money. We prayerfully rely on God’s provision and the generosity of His people in providing quality theological education at a reasonable cost for this and future generations.


2yr/Community College - 2+2 Programs , Masters

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