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The Yeshiva and Kollel is a center for the advancement of Talmudic and Judaic studies located on North Avenue, in Elizabeth, NJ. It is committed to serving as a center for advanced Torah study, cooperatively furthering the common interests of Elizabeth’s Jewish community.
What is a Yeshiva?
A yeshiva is an institution dedicated to the study of its traditional and central texts. These comprise the written and oral Torah study, especially the Talmud, Responsa for Jewish observance, and alternatively ethical (Mussar) or mystical texts.
What is a Kollel?
A kollel is a collegiate group of dynamic young married scholars who pursue full-time independent studies in Talmudic law and Judaic studies within a yeshiva framework. They are generally provided a stipend for their studies.
What is our mission?
To embrace, engage and inspire every Jew, regardless of education, observance or affiliation, with the warmth of advanced Torah study. The Kollel studies and teaches Torah as the living expression of our connection with G-d, and as our timeless bond with the rich heritage and noble traditions of Judaism.
We strive to assist all participants in their quest for a more fulfilling Jewish life. Building on the existing dynamic infrastructure of synagogues, schools, and community organizations, the Kollel serves as a partner in helping Elizabeth further develop as a vibrant, growing, and sustainable Jewish community.
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