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Founded in 1942 by the Felician Sisters, Felician University is one of the few Franciscan universities in the country, and the only one in New Jersey. We’ve built our reputation with an emphasis on service and respect for humanity, as was the dream of Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska – the foundress of the Felician Sisters more than a century ago. Even today, we strive to represent those values in everything we do.
Without question, students are the top priority at Felician.
We provide the individualized attention and support to prepare you for life, and success, after graduation. More than just quality students, we’re graduating valuable members of society who are prepared to take on the challenges of an ever-changing world. As a co-educational, liberal arts institution, Felician is home to approximately 2,300 undergraduate, graduate and adult studies students. With full-time, part-time and online offerings, you can expect an accommodating university experience at Felician University.
Felician is an independent co-educational Catholic/Franciscan University founded and sponsored by the Felician Sisters to educate a diverse population of students within the framework of a liberal arts tradition. Its mission is to provide a full complement of learning experiences, reinforced with strong academic and student development programs designed to bring students to their highest potential and prepare them to meet the challenges of the new century with informed minds and understanding hearts. The enduring purpose of Felician University is to promote a love for learning, a desire for God, self-knowledge, service to others, and respect for all creation.
To be a pre-eminent Catholic Franciscan University where scholarship and the practice of teaching and learning place students first in the enduring quest for truth and the persistent pursuit of competence, character, and compassion.
Felician Franciscan Values
Respect For Human Dignity … our reverence for and commitment to promoting and protecting the dignity of persons.
Compassion … an empathetic consciousness of others expressed in caring service.
Transformation … the process that encourages an open mind and heart, leading to continuous improvement of the person and ministry.
Solidarity with People in Need … ensuring the needs of the poor and vulnerable are met through advocacy and action.
Justice and Peace … forging right relationships, recreating a sustainable environment, promoting the common good – all in the pursuit of peace.
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