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The school has a small faculty of 40 full-time members, and professors fulfill various functions: they teach; they advise; and they pursue research projects with support from prestigious external funders such as the National Institute of Health, National Science Foundation, National Foundation of Infectious Diseases, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Josiah Macy Foundation, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and a number of other private foundations. Many of our students work on these projects with our faculty and learn first-hand the relationship between basic science and medical research.
The student body is also small – 350 in the Biomedical Education Program and 60 or 90 in the P.A. Program, depending on the time of year. Both programs have students go through the curriculum as a cohort, with students taking the same courses and sections throughout their years at Sophie Davis, with very few electives. The small size of the faculty and student body, as well as the uniformity of course experiences produces a closeness and intimacy that is quite unique and special.
Our alumni are also key players. Alumni are providing mentorships to our students and returning to campus to speak in both informal and formal settings. In the past month, first year students excitedly gathered around two recent alumni who gave a detailed picture of what their lives were like as practicing physicians. Such events inspire our students and reconfirm their commitment.
Both the concept and practice of the CUNY School of Medicine reinforce the City University’s mission as a unique educational fount from which great futures can be attained by anyone with the grit and passion to learn.
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